The Study of Building Materials

Thursday 15 March 2012



What is ''Concrete''?


        It is the material that widely used in construction field such as domestic, commercial, recreational, rural and education. There are variety of concrete such as reinforced concrete, pre-stressed concrete, and mass concrete. 

Most of the materials that use in the construction site are make out of concrete.

So What is concrete huh? 

Concrete is the mixture of cement, water, and aggregates. There are 2 types of aggregates have been used such as coarse aggregates and fine aggregates. 

           Both aggregates provide a different workability and compressive strength to the concrete. Example of coarse aggregates are limestone and granite while the fine aggregates is sand. Admixtures are also added to the concrete to change it properties to shorter the time concrete take to harden and improve its workability. Hydration is a chemical process carry by water to solid the mixture of concrete by bonding the component together. Concrete has a high compressive strength and lower tensile strength. So reinforcement is added to the concrete to increase the tensile strength of the concrete.

Concrete structure

Composition of concrete

Cement is the basic ingredient of the concrete. Calcium oxide and silicon dioxide is the most important ingredients in manufacturing cement. Portland cement is the mixture of calcium oxide, silicon and aluminium. Cement powder mixed with water to form a paste. Paste acts like glue to bond the aggregates together.

Now are you confused? 
Is it Concrete = Cement ?
let's us look at the video below

Now let's us look at another video showing manufacturing process for cement step by step.


Water is the components that carry out hydration to bond all the other materials together to form concrete. Different types of water will produce different types of concrete. Impure water can cause problems when setting and premature failure of structure. Excessive water will produce concrete with higher slump while less water will improve the strength and durable of the concrete. 

 C3S + H → C-S-H + CH
 Ca3SiO5 + H2O → (CaO)·(SiO2)·(H2O)(gel) + Ca(OH)2
 2Ca3SiO5 + 7H2O → 3(CaO)·2(SiO2)·4(H2O)(gel) + 3Ca(OH)2

Cement mix with the water
What is Hydration?

Hydration is the chemical reaction between cement and water that binds the cement, water and aggregate into concrete. The strength of the finished concrete depends on proper and sufficient hydration. 
So here is the video talking bout Hydration of cement. 


 There are two basic types of aggregates, coarse aggregates and fine aggregates. Coarse aggregates mostly made up of crushed rock and gravel while fine aggregates made up of sand. Aggregates that have been chosen must be strong and hard. Crumble or flakey rock should be avoided. Aggregates chosen must chemically inactive to prevent reaction between cement and aggregates. Clean the aggregates before mix them with concrete to prevent the dirt weaken the bond between paste and aggregates. Cohesiveness of the concrete is affected by the aggregate grading. Well-graded aggregates give a more cohesive mix, too much coarse aggregate gives a boney mix.

Fine aggregates

Coarse aggregates

Mix aggregates


We all know that concrete is strong in compression force due to the aggregate efficiently carries the compression load. It is weak in tension stress and reinforcement is added inside concrete to withstand the tensile force.


Materials that added to the concrete to alter the original properties of the concrete. There are 5 types of admixtures such as plasticisers, pigments, accelerators, retarders, and air entraining agents.  CaCl2, Ca(NO3)2 andNaNO3 is the accelerators that speed up the hydration process. However excessive use of chlorides may cause corrosion in the reinforcing. Sugar, sucrose, sodium gluconate, glucose and tartaric acid which are retarders to slow down the hydration process when concrete are used in large or difficult pour, hot weather, or long distances delivery. Air entraining agents controlling the quantity of air between the concrete to prevent honeycomb. Pigments is a colour agent which give a colour to the concrete. So the concrete can be more attractive.  Plasticisers increase the workability of the concrete by reducing the water inside the concrete. 

Concrete Admixtures

Concrete production

The processes of concrete production are from hand tools to heavy industry and probably used of high technology advanced. Portland cement and water rapidly form a gel, formed of chains of crystals when they mixed together. The fluid gel aiding by improving workability through react over the time. Besides, the chains of crystals join and form a rigid structure, gluing the aggregate particles. Most of the cement reacts with the residual water that mean hydration during curing.

Mixing Concrete

     For a production of uniform, high quality concrete, mixing of concrete is essential. And equipment and methods should be capable to contain the largest amount of mixing concrete materials. In order to increase the compressive strength, the mixing of cement and water into the paste is needed before combining these materials with aggregates. The paste is mixed in high-speed. The cement paste premix may include admixtures such as accelerators or retarders, superplasticizers, pigments, or silica fume. A plasticizer or a superplasticizer is then added to the activated mixture, which can later be mixed with aggregates in a conventional concrete mixer.


Workability is the ability of a fresh (plastic) concrete mix to fill the form/mold properly with the desired work (vibration) and without reducing the concrete's quality and depends on water content, aggregate(shape or size), cementitious content and age(level of hydration). Concrete workability will increase by raising the water content or adding chemical admixtures. Concrete slump test can be measured the workability. Slump can be increased by addition of chemical admixtures without changing the water-cement ratio. After mixing, concrete is a fluid and can be pumped to the location where needed.

For workability, it have 4 test which are slump test, compacting factor test, vebe test and flow table test.

Slump test

Compacting factor test

Vebe test

Flow table test

 A basic desired property of concrete is good workability when the concrete is newly mixed. For example the concrete can be transport from the mixer, handled, placed in the moulds and compacted satisfactory. Concrete has high compressive strength and hardness, but lower tensile strength. This is because reinforced with materials that are strong in tension. This often refers to steel. Concrete also has adequate durability as a long term for all the building.

Use of concrete in infrastructure

Mass concrete structures

Large structures typically include gravity dams, such as the Hoover Dam, Itaipu Dam and the Three Gorges Dam: arch dams, navigation locks and large breakwaters.
Such large structures will generate excessive heat and associated expansion, even though it is individually placed in formed horizontal blocks. Post-cooling provided in the design is commonly used to mitigate these effects.
A network of pipes between vertical concrete placements is installed to circulate cooling water during the curing process and avoid damaging overheating.

 Mass concrete structure the Baths of Caracalla, in 2003

Pre-stressed concrete structures

Pre-stressed concrete is a form of reinforced concrete that builds in compressive stresses during construction to oppose those found when in use.
Weight of beams or slabs can be reducing by better distributing the stresses in the structure to make optimal use of the reinforcement.

Pre-stressed concrete structures

Bridge over the Sungai Selangor, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia


Wednesday 14 March 2012

Introduction for Building Materials

Wat Sup~ Welcome to Our blog & nice to meet you!

Our blog is named The Study of Building Materials. And it is a simply blog that provide information about types of building materials. You're welcome to leave any comments and questions.Don't forget to follow us. :)

What is the purpose of this blog is created? 

This blog is created to get extra knowledge and information about the building materials from others sources. 

Besides that, we can share our knowledge to the public through this blog and get the feedback from the public. So that we can improve our weaknesses of this blog and we can learn the building materials subject together. 

Furthermore, we can do a discussion about building materials inside the blog so we can share what we learn in UTAR to people around the world. 

Okay! let us start up with Building materials itself.

Building Materials 


Firstly,  do you understand what is building materials? 

Building materials is wide subject about the materials involve in construction fields. There are concrete, metal, glass, plastics and Etc. We are going to share information about the Concrete, Bricks, Blocks amd Stones.


Bricks and blocks
